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ResultsMark Roundings

13 July 1500: Well, it was a little slower for two of the boats.  Beyond, Chris Pitts and Infinity, Marvin Clements finished in the afternoon, 1229 and 1319.  Both made it to the Awards/Party at 1400.  The Awards/Party was well attended and it was great to see all present. Muffin Dubuc and Mal Kaul-Tysor provided food for the party.  Several skippers hope to do the Bermuda One-Two in coming years which is the reason for this race.

13 July 0525: They have breeze and they have been finishing; Hideway, Jeroboam, Kontradiction, and Momentum. We should have everyone finishing this morning easily.

12 July 2400: Morning Dance, Bob Johnston, just arrived at NYC.  Bob finished at 2210 and wisely decided to stay the night vice head back to East G.  Coconut Telegraph is the next boat but haven’t heard from him yet.

12 July 2120: Our first finisher, Riptide – Gordon Fletcher.  Gordon did a touch and go to give RC the Race Log.  Gordon finished at R2 at 1954 tonight.

12 July 1600: Heard from Riptide, Gordon Fletcher.  He was rounding the Racon SE of Block Island however he is in 3 kts of breeze.  Gordon says that he saw Morning Glory 12 miles back from the Weather bouy  and saw Coconut Telegraph about 4 miles back from Morning Glory.  It will be a while before Gordon finishes.

12 July 0925: It was a tough night with almost no wind and a reverse current trying to get around the Nomans Land bouy.  Three boats have dropped out at this time: Lollygag II at 0200, Regulus at 0440 and Sojourner at 0900.

11 July 1300: And their off!  Well, we had to postpone due to no wind (hint of things to come?) but only for 10 minutes.  The SE came in right away so we were able to get them started only 10 minutes behind planned start time.  Two classes started, 8 in class 1 and 5 in class 2.  Monica Holmes on Sojourner made it interesting; she didn’t cross the start line until after class 2 started (she is in class 1). On the Race Committee we had Dave Del Nero (driving and cannon/horn), John O’Toole (flags, etc.), Charlie Wright (flags and checkin), Dick Bioty (line) and Roy Guay (timer/radio).