The date for the start of the 2024 Offshore 160 is Friday, July 12th. The biennial Offshore 160, held in the off-year from the Bermuda ONE-TWO, is a 160-mile qualifier for the ONE-TWO. It is a low-keyed, bare-bones event designed to potentially get new skippers’ singlehanded qualifying passage out of the way in the off-year, and to provide past competitors with a long-distance racing “fix.”

The Sailing Instructions, Class Scratch Sheet will be posted at least the day of the start.
New to 2024 is the use of yb Tracking trackers so that all will be able to track the boats during the race (same as for the Bermuda One-Two).
Registration is over!
2024 Results
Boats on the Tracker website.
Mark Roundings1
Mark Roundings2
2024 Documents:
Notice of Race / Addendum / Schedule
Notice of Race Amendment #1
Sailing Instructi0ns
Class Scratch Sheet
Sailing Instructions
William J. Dubuc Trophy (First To Finish): Josh Reisberg on Abilyn
7/14 1643 – Mini 829 finally finished. He turned around and headed home.
7/14 1500 – Awards were held at 2pm with a small nice group. Alex Khandros was not present because he was still racing on his Mini 829 but will get 2nd in class 2 if he finishes. See Results above for the results.
I would like to thank the following people that took part in supporting the race:
Race Committee Boat: Alan Renfrew (drove Volunteer), Caryn Cummings & Jim Oblinger (flags), Ted Singsen (line), Diane Guillemette (check-in/start log), Roy Guay (radio & time), Bill Shea (camera).
Rudy, Dani & staff for helping the boats which were singlehanded.
Tim and crew for the Friday breakfast and Sunday Awards food.
7/14 1034 – Windswept finished after a long night of light winds and FOG.
7/13 1800 – Acceptance withdrew.
7/13 1700 – The following boats finished this afternoon in order:
1424 Abilyn
1433 Samba
1521 SeaJai
1648 Chicama
1654 GonDog
7/13 1200 – Both Trouble No Trouble and Highlander retired due to the wind forecast of very light. The front that just went by took all the wind with it.
7/13 1110 – Samba rounded the 2nd mark. Abilyn rounded ahead of him.
7/13 0700 – Karelia called to say that he is loosing power randomly thus the autopilot is lost. Very tired so he hove-to for a while and is retiring and headed home.
7/13 0100 – The first boats rounded the first mark; Abilyn, Samba, SeaJai in that order.
7/12 1300 – And they are off. Both classes were give the long Course A and they started on one start at noon. 14 boats had registered but 11 boats started having to avoid a boat carrier that had decided to park on the right side of the course out of the bay. The wind was supposed to be a typical SW but the wind died down for the start so it was a slow start. Only one boat was on the line, Samba. And lots of boats no where near the line at the start. Michael Schum in his Nauticat 39 was tortuously slow getting to the line. Evidently he lost the auto pilot and was having problems having to bounce between steering and cranking in the Jib and Main. He eventually made it out of the by taking the stern of the boat carrier whereas all the other boats were able to cross the bow of the boat carrier. You can view where they are dynamically at the ybTracking website.
Offshore 160 Photo Gallery
William Dubuc Trophy – First To Finish

Year | Skipper | Boat |
2022 | Gordon Fletcher | Take Two |
2020 | Laurent Givry | La Defonce |
2018 | Marcus Cochran | Granuelle |
2016 | Mike Piper | Inigo Montoya |
2014 | Tristan Mouligne | Samba |
2012 | Gordon Fletcher | Riptide |
2010 | Gordon Fletcher | Riptide |
2008 | Gordon Fletcher | Riptide |
2006 | Bjorn Johnson | Valkrie |
2004 | John Ryan | Swordflounder |
2002 | Victor Pinheiro | Alegria |
2000 | Bjorn Johnson | Shere Khan |
1998 | Bjorn Johnson | Shere Khan |