October 3: General Membership Meeting 7:00pm
October 26: Tuesday and Wednesday racing night awards meeting
Greetings to all,
This will be my final article for the Burgee, as my term as commodore ends on October 3rd. It is with mixed emotions that I leave as your Commodore. The Board of Directors and I have set many goals for the past two years. Many have been successfully completed with others still ongoing. As you are aware, there were some bumpy roads during the last two years, but, overall I believe the club is financially better today and with stronger policies for all members than in the past. The majority of our members recognize what needs to be done going forward and are now stepping up to the challenge. I wholeheartedly support our new slate of officers and board of directors. I believe they will continue with our vision for the future. FJ Ritt, your Vice Commodore has done a tremendous job under very difficult circumstances, and I know he will be a great Commodore.
It has been an honor to be a small part of our club’s 130 year history.
I would like to recognize our outgoing rear commodore, Chris Long who made the personal decision to withdraw his name from consideration by the nominating committee, as well as our former vice commodore Steve Dolan for all their work and dedication to the club.
Additionally, I would like to recognize Laura Dargan-Entertainment chair, Andy Vouras-Float and Dock chair and Alan Renfrew-Regatta chair for their work on the board of directors, with a special thanks to Edith Moran for all her years as our secretary. Another thank you to our fleet captain Dennis Ferreira. Dennis has really stepped it up with some recent and future events, like the first annual dinghy derby. Also the member-driven event on the dock was a huge success. A cocktail party and Harvest dinner were enjoyed by all that attended. A big thank you and all the credit goes to the Bouchards (M/Y Main Course). Of course, nothing would get accomplished without our office manager Lynn, and our entire staff. Thank you for all that you do.
Please plan to attend the October 3rd General Membership Meeting at 7 pm to welcome in the new board of directors and vote on members-at-large.
Lastly, a very special thank you to our general manager Rudy Borgueta who is retiring on October 3rd after fifteen years with The Newport Yacht Club. For the last fifteen years Rudy has done anything and everything we have asked of him and more. Personally, Rudy has supported me during my twelve years on the Board and the Flag and for that I am very grateful. My family and I will never forget his generosity and hard work. Thank you Rudy from all of us, you will be sorely missed.
Smooth sailing to all,
Bob & Rosalie
The Entertainment Committee has many events planned for 2024/2025. We hope you will mark your calendars to attend as many as possible. These listed below are already booked, and we have more in the works. Each event will have an announcement sent out via E-blast of all the details. If you would like to suggest anything, please email: Dianne at
Nov 9 – Annual Dinner
Nov 29 – Santa & Elf arrive for pics with the kids
Dec 7 – Adult Xmas Cocktail Party w/ Yankee Swap
March 15 – St. Patrick’s Day Lunch
April 20 – Easter Brunch
June 7 – Commissioning Day
We are also plotting and planning the return of the “Rho Dylin Night.” If you were not here for the last, one please plan to attend. It is all food specific to RI, as we test your knowledge of RI. Come and see how much you really know!
More to come!
Entertainment Committee
Well, sadly our season has come to a close although we did have a lot of fun. We ended on a bit of a whimper with no wind but beautiful slow sailing.
And this was despite James Houston’s wind invocation.
We also provided crewing (Jackie Dietrich, James Houston and Alan Renfrew) for the Twenty Hundred Club’s Prince Henry the Navigator race on August 24. We used a radio start for several groups of racers, mainly off Rose Island but also off East Greenwich and elsewhere. A “fisherman style” start was used with all races being anchored at the warning and all crew below decks (or hiding below sails if no decks!). Racers gleaned points from roundings of fixed marks in the East and West passages using a very complicated set of sailing instructions, which also allowed thirty minutes of engine use. Obviously scoring was based on the honor system.
This was the start.
As someone else said: “day after day, day after day, we stuck, nor breath, nor motion. As idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean” – Samuel Taylor Colleridge
Steve Parks (PRO) and Alan Renfrew (Driver) were the Race Committee for the two day “Newport Unlimited” multihull regatta, and we’re grateful to Mike Warren for providing Mark Boat functions along with the owner of a non-member boat. Conditions were very light for the first morning and we ranged from well north of Gould Island to close to the west side of the island for much stronger winds in the later afternoon. On the second day we set the line just off Jamestown for a round Conanicut Island race. Steve and Mike deserve our thanks for this effort.
With Raven about to take flight.
Special thanks go to all dedicated Regatta Committee members and other volunteers for their efforts, particularly: James Houston, Jackie Dietrich, Al McCoy, Joy Hadley, Lee Parks and to those who stepped up to the plate for special events: Scott Walker, Steve Parks, Steve White, Scott Chase, and all others.
The Tuesday and Wednesday awards meeting will be held on October 26 at the Club.
Alan Renfrew
Regatta Committee Chair
Good fun was had by all at the 1st annual Dingy Derby.
Dennis Ferreira. Fleet Captain