September 1: Requests for winter dockage open
September 2: Dock Party 3:30p to 6:30p
September 3: Dock Party rain date.
September 24: Golf Tournament
Greetings fellow NYC members.
It is hard to believe we are in mid-August already. Cooler days may be coming, but we still have many great boating days ahead.
Past Commodore Betsy Green is coordinating another dock party on Labor Day weekend. It is scheduled for Saturday September 2nd from 3:30-6:30pm on the main dock. The rain date is September 3rd.
The Gold Star kids enjoyed their time in Newport. Special thanks to Norm Bailey and Sharon McGinnis for all their support and hard work. I would also like to thank Bob Kempe, Roy Guay, Dennis Ferreira and Tom Robinson who volunteered their time and their vessels for the fabulous time sailing and swimming in Brenton cove.
Lastly, the new slate of officers and committees has been posted by our club secretary Edith Morin. Many thanks to the new nominating committee for their hard work in interviewing many volunteers to make this happen. We had a good number of volunteers this year, but we still need more for the implementation of the strategic plan. Help us continue to grow and enhance our club.
Thank you
Bob and Rosalie
Gold Star Sailing is a unique program for youth who have lost a parent in close combat. This is the tenth year that the Gold Star Sailing program has been hosted at the Newport Yacht Club, and it is a collective effort among Gold Star Sailing program leaders, Club staff, many Club members who volunteer, and of course the youth themselves.
Past Commodore and program leader Norm Bailey reports that 200 teens have gone through the program, including 31 from the United Kingdom.
As Norm often points out, this is not a grief camp, it is an opportunity for growth. While some teens have issues when they arrive, they leave in a better place.
The camp is scheduled during late July or early August and always at the Club on Tuesday. The day comprises big boat sailing experiences with Club members, and a rendezvous with U.S. Coast Guard Station Castle Hill. This year the station commander treated the teens to a high speed run up the bay in the station’s 45-foot response boat.
The teens then enjoyed an excellent Grill Night supper joined by our Flag Officers plus Councilwoman Jeanne-Marie Napolitano. NYC caps and City of Newport items were presented to each teen.
This is a big day, considering some of the kids have never sailed before, some have never seen salt water, and for some this is only their second day in the USA. By the end of the day, there is a lot of smiling. And that is what all of this is about.
To learn more about Gold Star Sailing, including how to make a donation, visit
Norm Bailey wants to be sure that all those who make the day possible are recognized. It is important that recognize the Members who have continued to volunteer their time and use of their boats for many years. These are the people that we depend on. Many thanks to:
- Tom Robinson
- Bob Kempt
- Roy Guay
- Dennis Ferreira
- Jeff Blais
- Dick Bowman
- Pat Clayton
And, many thanks to the NYC Staff who make everything work every year.
- Rudy
- Lynn
- Dani
And, thanks to the NYC Members who are Gold Star Sailing Staff:
- Sharon McGinnis
- Gardner Howe
- Dianne Stewart
A big thank you to everyone involved with these wonderful kids. Below are some photos of our kids and the program.
- Kids getting off Station Castle Hill’s patrol boat after taking a high speed ride up the bay.
- Thank you note to Roy Guay who has been hosting Gold Star kids on his boat for the last ten years
- Thank you note to Tom Robinson who hosted some of the kids for the last 6 years.
- Commodore and Councilwoman Jeanne-Marie Napolitano passing out Club hats and City of Newport pins to the kids
- Kids racing on Sail Newport’s J22’s.
The Newport Yacht Club Golf Tournament will be held on Sunday September 24, 2023. We have room for 10 foursomes starting at 11 am. Please email Edith Morin at to register.
Well, hard to believe we are coming to the end of the season. . . and a good season is it was. Kids had fun and instructors had fun. 127 young sailors ended up participating in the program. All instructors this year were from Ireland which provide a good cultural exchange for both the instructor and the kids.
A special thanks goes out to all club members who generously supported the Junior Sailing program by naming a boat (see below). There were 15 sponsors in total and the pictures above are some boats sponsored.
Thanks once again to our Sponsors:
NYC Staff |
Bill Bagwill |
Al Sgabato |
Aedan Gleeson |
Bruce Long |
John McIntyre |
Teri Degnan |
Rich Levine |
Andy Vouras |
Roger & Joan Fontaine |
Michael Warren |
Nancy Hartwell |
Richard Cromwell |
Michael Barszcz |
Patrick Kilroy |
Michael Barszcz Chair, Junior Sailing
The chairs continue to manage their committees and we are ahead of budget (January through July) by $75,735. Good news as this better secures the foundation for our 2023 Capex programs!
Larry Girouard Chair, Finance Committee