January 22 — Chili and Chowda Cookoff Contest
February 27 — Mardi Gras Jazz Sunday
Seasons Greetings!
I am pleased to report our proposed 2022 Operating Budget was approved at the December General Membership Meeting. Many thanks to the Board of Directors and especially our Finance Committee, chaired by Steve Dolan and assisted by Lynn Kelly our Business Manager. Their efforts provided us with a conservative, balanced budget for 2022.
Roy Guay reported for past Commodore Norm Baily on upcoming international racing events Ostar Two Star departing England on May 15th and the Jesters May 8th. We are also looking forward to hosting the Gold Star Kids July 31 – August 6th.
Sadly, the Parade of Lights was cancelled this year due to gale force wind predictions. This did not stop Santa from arriving for the Club’s Children’s Christmas Party by boat. I think we had the best turnout ever! The excitement of the children was a wonderful sight to see. The Adult Christmas Party on the 4th was sold out and a huge success. Great job Linda, Yvonne and Chip! Keep an eye out for the Chili Cook-off and dance party in January and Mardi Gras Jazz in February.
Wishing you and your families a Happy Holiday Season and a peaceful, healthy New Year.
Betsy Green
Commodore, NYC
Newport Yacht Club
The Newport Yacht Club is an organization powered by volunteerism. Alongside the great efforts of our staff, Club members provide many thousands of volunteer hours each year ensuring we achieve our mission. They serve as board members, committee members, program coordinators, supporters of racing and community events and so much more. Volunteerism is part of the strong community-oriented spirit of the Newport Yacht Club. Thanks to all who give of their time!
There is still a lot going on at the Newport Yacht Club! Thanks for making the children’s and adult Christmas parties great successes!
There is more in store in the months ahead, including:
1/22/2022 Chili and Chowda Cookoff Contest
Do you make the best chili? Or best chowda? Come join the fun at our chili and chowda contest on January 22 from 6pm to 8 pm. Go to the NYC website/events/January to enter as a contestant or just be a “taster.”
There will be prizes, prizes, prizes! Tickets are $ 10.00 per person, contestants, no charge!
SIGN UP BY JANUARY 18, please! If you have questions, please email
2/27/2022 Mardi Gras Jazz Sunday
This event will feature music, jambalaya, hurricane cocktails and more. Stand by for more information.
It has been a long-standing nautical tradition of exchanging yacht club burgees when visiting other yacht clubs or entering into a reciprocity agreement with another club. Since Newport is the sailing and boating capital of the world, we have received 247 burgees from visiting clubs. Some have been labeled. Some have not. Our goal is to identify every burgee and post a web page and publish a log celebrating these many connections, with burgee photos and contact information for the visiting clubs.
There are currently about 40 burgees that remain unidentified. In January, we will be launching our Mystery Burgee Contest with prizes to have some fun and enlist your help in identification. There will be prizes! Watch for a blast email announcing the contest.
Fair Winds,
Mike O’Reilly, Rear Commodore
As the new year begins the Regatta Committee will be planning for the 2021 sailing / racing happenings that include the weekly One Design and PHRF Spring and Summer Series. Some other events that are being planned include:
- Race Committee Training – A one or two event classroom style event that will review important aspects of how a Race Committee works when conducting races
- Receiving inputs and scheduling for regatta racing from various One Design Associations to conduct weekend Regattas
- Mitchell Memorial Day Weekend Race to Block Island
- Scheduling of volunteers to conduct the weekly and weekend races
Regatta Committee has a cadre of volunteers however there’s always a need for more. If you are interested in participating with the race committee, contact and stand by for further notifications.
On 6 November we conducted a Skipper’s Forum/Party with about 25 participants. Rick Rohrer provided the results of a sleep survey conducted with the skippers from this year’s race. There was lots of discussion since sleep is an important issue with shorthanded sailing. We expect to have guidance on sleeping during shorthanded sailing out soon. Afterwards Charlene provided food for the gab session.
Roy Guay, Chair Offshore Committee