March 11 — Limited transient slips open
Week of March 15 — Electric hoist in service
April 1 — Final payment for all slips, dingy and kayak/PB rack and small boat corral due
April 1 — Advanced member transient slip reservations period begin
April 30 — Winter slips terminate. All dinghies and paddle boards not staying in leased rack spaces must be removed.
NOTE: Please see article in this Burgee below for more key Float and Dock dates.
Greetings fellow Newport Yacht Club Members.
It is hard to believe that one year ago, this month, we began what was to have been a two-week shut down due to a new virus. We have been through a lot since then and I know you are all looking forward to our Spring and Summer seasons. I sure am.
Sadly we had to cancel our Traditional Opening Day on June 5th. The Boat Parade in Remembrance of those we have lost has now been moved to that date at 5:30 p.m., pending DEM approval. As the date draws closer, we will send out an email blast reminder for those who wish to participate on land or sea.
At the February Board of Director’s Meeting, Sponsorship of The Ostar Two Star transatlantic race was approved. Racers will be leaving England for Newport on May 9th.
Also unanimously approved at the February meeting was wording provided by member Susan Winsor on Diversity and Inclusion. This was added to our Mission and Values Statement. Thank you Susan.
The Entertainment Committee is planning to raffle off monthly baskets, similar to what was done to raise money for the 125th. Member Yvonne Ferreira will put together the first basket with a gardening theme. Raffle tickets can be purchased on the Main Deck around April 1.
The Entertainment Committee is also looking forward to planning something later in the summer or early fall as restrictions ease, to take the place of Opening Day this year. Welcome Spring!
Betsy Green
Newport Yacht Club
The Junior Sailing crew is pleased to report that the 2021 Marine Adventure Camp is 90% full with 120 young sailors signed up. Sessions 2 & 3 are full and a few spots are still available in Session 1 and 4. We continue to monitor COVID guidelines for summer camps and will ensure we comply with those guidelines. In addition, we are working on ways we can provide more opportunities to kids who haven’t sailed before to get on the water.
COVID has put a damper on our traditional fund raising efforts like a silent auction so we needed to get creative and think of other ways we can raise money to help support the program. We have been busy brainstorming on ways to raise additional money and think we have come up with an exciting and innovative idea! Stay tuned, in the next couple of weeks we’ll be able to provide more details.
Michael Barszcz
Chair, Junior Sailing Committee
The Float and Dock Committee shares these key 2021 dates with you:
March, second Thursday: Limited transient slips opens.
March, third week: Electric hoist in service.
April 1st: Final payment for all slips, dinghy and kayak/PB rack and small boat corral due.
Advanced member transient slip reservations period begins.
April 10th: Dock Day, marina prepared for Summer season.
April 30th: Winter slips terminate.
All dinghies and paddle boards not staying in leased rack spaces must be removed.
May 1st: Summer slips open.
Limited launch service begins.
May, third Saturday: Regular launch service begins.
Friday before Memorial Day: Transient rate increase to summer rates.
June 30th: Deadline for 50% refund of slip fee and slip termination.
September, third Monday: Transient rates decrease from summer rates.
October, second Tuesday: Launch service reduced.
October 31th: End of Summer slip season, launch service terminates.
Steve Damas, Chair on behalf of the Float and Dock Committee
On 6 March we had a Skippers’ Forum via Zoom. Twenty-nine people participated. Frank Bohlen gave us a brief on the Gulf Stream and Tristan Mouligne gave us tips on getting one prepared for the Bermuda One-Two. We currently have 18 boats registered for the race and both Ted Singsen and I have our apartments and flights reserved for Bermuda in June.
If by chance, can anyone that has a slip empty it for the week leading up to the start on 4 June so that the boats may reside at the marina before the start? That would help us out a lot. Also, some of the OSTAR and TwoStar boats may show up during that time frame.
We are thinking of canceling the Memorial Day Regatta but haven’t made a hard decision yet. We are expecting that we will be able to hold the Columbus Regatta though.
Roy Guay, Chair Offshore Committee.