Burgee Burgee Flag

February 2020



1 – Junior Marine Adventure Camp Registration Opens

12 – Mitchell Memorial, Offshore 160, & New England Solo/Twin Registration Open

20 – Cruising Event with Sheila McCurdy USSA 6:00 — 9:00 pm NYC

22 – Lasagna Dinner and Auction 6:00 — 9:00 pm NYC

23 – Frostbite Series


1 – Frostbite Series

8 – Frostbite Series

15 – Frostbite Series

22 – Frostbite Series

29 – Frostbite Series


Greetings Newport Yacht Club members. I am pleased to report that the NYC had a strong finish in 2019.  In addition to a great season of sailing, racing, entertainment events, and engagements with the city, we now have closed the books on 2019 with a cash reserve of nearly $300K established.  This is very close to half of the two-year goal I set for the Board when I first became Commodore.  It is important that we have this reserve fund in place to support future significant capital expenditures.  The Board of Directors continues to exercise conservative fiscal policy while delivering the value and experiences our members have come to expect.  This is often a delicate dance of managing finances, changing member expectations, and available infrastructure, but one that we are getting better at all the time.  This will continue for the foreseeable future and we are always looking for ways to improve operations and programming to enhance your member experience.  As always, if you have ideas or suggestions on how to make this Club better or want to get involved with a committee, please reach out to a Member-at-Large or myself.  We are here for you.

I also am very excited to report that, at a Special General Membership meeting held on 11 January, we had a quorum with a near record turnout of members to support the votes for both the annual budget and first reading of the proposed Bylaw changes. For 2020, I modified our cash reserves goal to focus on accumulating funds to enable the dock loan to be paid off at the next rate reset in October 2023.  This will not compromise the reserves we presently have.  The budget submitted and unanimously approved is compliant with the approved Five Year Plan and contains a debt service expense line item in the Float and Dock account equal to one quarter of what the outstanding East-West pier mortgage loan balance will be in October 2023.  It is the plan of the Board to continue to do this each year until 2023 at which time, adequate funds will be available to pay off the mortgage.  To support this plan, a motion was approved at the November BOD meeting to invest this debt service fund annually to an interest-bearing account at the end of the year as long as it does not drive a negative cash flow.  These funds will be used exclusively for the loan payoff unless a catastrophic event occurs.  The Vice and Rear Commodores who will be leading this Club after my term is up this October are in agreement with this and will support this strategy when their turn comes as commodore.  This plan will enable the 20-year loan we took out for the East-West pier to be paid off 10 years early saving voting members assessment payments totaling $1,000 each ($350 for Young Adults).

Other budget items of interest are inclusion of:  funds for a lounge monitor on busy evenings to keep an eye on occupancy, reciprocity, and guest limitations as a security and safety measure; funds to lease 10 parking spaces in the City pump lot behind the Club on Fridays and Saturdays for July and August (note that the Vice Commodore negotiated a 33% discount with the City!); capital allowances to replace the East and West Deck awnings; replacement of the East Deck which is badly in need of repair; and new sails for Frostbite.

Also, at the first reading of the proposed Bylaw changes, each major change was briefed, discussed and voted on separately.  Also, a block of clerical changes was briefed and voted on.  The members present unanimously approved all changes.  The next step will be the second and final reading of these proposed changes at the May General Membership meeting.  These changes are intended to keep pace with changes in our membership and society as well as to make sure our governing set of Bylaws remains relevant.  I would like to take the opportunity to thank the subcommittee who worked over the past year on these changes:  Bob Antignano (Rear Commodore, chair), Jack Grant (past Commodore), Bob Anton (past Commodore) and Mike O’Reilly (Member-at-Large).  These members did a lot of work to ensure each proposed change was completely evaluated and thoroughly thought through.  Thank you all!

Lastly, I hope you all had a great holiday season with your family and friends.  You can look forward to another great year at the NYC and I hope to see you around the Club

Wishing you fair winds and following seas,

Tom Rowe, Commodore
Newport Yacht Club


Attention sailors and boaters! Sheila McCurdy of US Sailing will give a talk on  “Understanding Weather for Cruising,” which will be followed by round table discussions: iPad Navigation, Galley Management, Battery Management, Tips and Tricks onboard. These will be open discussions, bring your questions and ideas to share in an informal fun night with fellow boaters. This event will be held on February 20, 2020 from 6-9 at NYC. Space is limited, please RSVP to EventsJYC@yahoo.com. Cash Bar, appetizers will be served! Hope for a Dark & Stormy Night!!!




Mark your calendars. The following races will be held this year:

  • Mitchell Memorial Day Regatta – 23 May
  • Offshore 160 – 10 July
  • New England Solo/Twin – 24 July
  • Mitchell Columbus Day Regatta – 10 October

There will be no Bermuda One-Two Skipper’s Forum/Shore Party in March, however there will be one on 7 November. NOTE: Registration should be open online for both the Offshore 160 and New England Solo/Twin by the time you read this.

Offshore Committee Roy Guay Chair, Ted Singsen, Kristen Wenzel, Betsy McClintock, Pat Clayton, George Crocker, Brian Clayton, Caryn Cummings



What a crazy start to the 2020 Frostbite season. After missing three Sundays in January due to heavy winds and three capsizes we seem to have turned the corner. February has seen a record number of participants turn out, requiring three fleets of racers. While the winners from years past are very much in contention, the top spots are noticeably up for grabs. Follow the excitement by coming down to the Club on Sundays or checking the results on our website.

Winkle Kelley, Frostbite Committee Chair




Registration for the 2020 Newport Yacht Club Marine Adventure Camp opened on February 1, 2020 and we’re happy to report that many parents have registered their young sailors already.  The mission of the Camp is to provide access to sailing, sailboat racing, and marine education for ages 8-15 from any level or background.

True to our mission, we provide 130+ young sailors an opportunity to get on the water, gain sailing experience and water safety skills. If you’d like to learn more visit the NYC website at  http://www.newportyachtclub.org/juniors/


And, please mark your calendars for the NYC Marine Adventure Camp Fundraiser and Silent Auction on Friday May 15, 2020. Come on out and do the things many of you enjoy: eating, drinking and supporting a good cause! If you would like to help support the program or contribute a silent auction item please contact Michael Barszcz, Committee Chair @ Mbarszcz@aol.com or 609-553-7258



Hi everybody! Not much going on right now while we are the middle of the winter doldrums except getting ready for spring!!!  We are hosting a US Sailing Race Officers Training day in April for our race committee volunteers.  Go to the US Sailing website to register!!!

CONGRATULATIONS TO FRED ROY who won a 2019 Community Sailing National One-Design Award given by US Sailing at their Sailing Leadership Forum in San Diego.  This award is quite prestigious and a big shout out to Fred for a job well done!! Below is an excerpt from the USSA website about Fred’s award:

National One-Design Leadership Award – Fred Roy

Fred Roy (Newport, R.I.) has logged countless hours of dedication and service over the years to the Herreshoff S Class. Last year was no different. His efforts went above and beyond his “normal” contributions in this Centennial year of the S Class.

Roy’s selfless commitment and devotion to the legacy of these classic yachts has contributed immeasurably to the endurance and viability of the Herreshoff S Class. Roy has devoted countless hours to the mission of the S Class during his term as commodore, and in his many years as captain of S boat, Surprise. His craftsmanship in wooden boat maintenance and restoration are equally matched by his skills as an expert helmsman and his Corinthian sportsmanship. His balanced judgment based on a lifetime of experience with the Herreshoff S Class has been of immeasurable value to his fellow sailors on countless occasions.

Throughout the S Class, and indeed everywhere in the world of classic yachting, Roy is held in the highest esteem. His service remains ongoing as he continues to contribute generously to the health and growth of the Herreshoff S Class.

The following tribute to Roy was entered into the Congressional Record on February 4, 2013 by Rhode Island Senator Sheldon Whitehouse: “Ninety-five years after the first S boat splashed into Bristol Harbor at the Herreshoff boatyard, the fleet is active and growing, with boats being restored to join the class. This success and growth in much thanks to fleet commodore Fred Roy. Fred brought buoyant enthusiasm and cheerfulness to the Narragansett Bay Herreshoff S Class Association, and all who love our Bay and its special sailing traditions, join in appreciation of Fred Roy. Fred has brought the spirit of the S boat, rail down and surging forward, to this part of our ongoing history and maritime culture.”

For the full article about the winners please go to the link below: https://www.ussailing.org/news/community-onedesign-awards-2020/

Have a great winter! See you on the water soon!!


Nancy Parrillo, Regatta Chair

Gustave White Realty


The club’s fiscal performance in 2019 was excellent and we finished ahead of budget. It was agreed that the club will pay off the mortgage for the East/West dock in 2023, 10 years early.  This means that the $100/year assessment stops in Fiscal Year 2024.

The committee chairs have completed their 2020 monthly forecasts for each line item in their budgets so that we can track budget to actuals at any point during the year to ensure that all finances are in line with the forecast.

Members of the finance committee will also be meeting with committee chairs to review the major cost items in each budget to see if there are opportunities to cut some costs through efficiency.

Larry Girouard, Finance Committee Chair






If you have something you’d like to share with the Club membership in the Burgee, please send your submission to: communications@newportyachtclub.org for review and consideration.   

Gustave White Realty


Newport Yacht Club Guest No Password Inside the club and marina
Newport Yacht Club Password Inside the club and marina