5 – Ida Lewis Invitational Cocktail Party
11-14 Mitchell Columbus Day Regatta
19 – Annual Dinner
26 – Regatta Awards Party
The 125th Anniversary Gala Celebration was a stunning tribute to our Club’s history! It was an elegant evening and thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended. The food, band, dancing, and camaraderie were delightful. Special thanks go to the committee who spent two years planning so this event would be perfect. I give my sincerest thanks to the following volunteers: Judy Rowe, Coleen Raposa, Pam Akgun, Lisa Gladding, Sue Winsor, Jeff Blais and Christon Gibson. If you see them around the Club and enjoyed the Gala, please thank them personally – it will mean a lot to them.
As the boating season begins to wind down and the Club turns its focus on readying the facility for the winter months, we can all take pride in knowing that our committees and volunteers worked hard to put forth a great array of sailing, instructional, entertainment, and other fun events. Given their example of volunteering their time and talents, I ask you all to continue to seek ways in which you can volunteer your time and talents for the betterment of the Club – that is the lifeblood that sustains the Club and continues to foster growth and improvement.
We are now starting to focus on the 2020 budget process with an eye on continuing to achieve superior financial performance and member satisfaction. If you have any suggestions on improvements in Club operations, please reach out to the appropriate committee chair so that he/she can provide thoughtful consideration of your recommendation. It may be possible, within budgetary constraints, to implement or start planning for opportunities to make this Club even better than it is.
We are in discussions and planning with the Mayor of Newport and the President of the Imperia Yacht Club, Newport’s sister city in Italy, to have a twinning ceremony to formally recognize the relationship between Newport and Imperia through both yacht clubs and our shared interests. A signing ceremony will take place in Newport with members of the Imperia Yacht Club, City Council, and the NYC Board of Directors. Also being discussed is a reciprocal signing at the Imperia Yacht Club sometime in December.
I hope you all enjoyed your summer. I look forward to the changing seasons with anticipation – the fall months are usually great for boating on Narragansett Bay.
Wishing you fair winds and following seas,
Tom Rowe, Commodore
Are you coming topside with guests? No Problem – just remember to sign them in.
It is your responsibility as a member to help maintain a respectful environment for all members and their guests within the guidelines set forth but the club charter.
As a reminder, here are a few excerpts from the house rules:
- Members, guest of members or visiting yachtsmen are invited to use the lounge
- All guests must be accompanied by a member and signed in on the Club’s Guest Register
- Members are responsible for their guest’s conduct
- You are allowed up to 4 guests at a time
Take a moment to review the house rules.
If you have any questions about these rules, don’t hesitate to ask a board member or the club steward or email us at
his year, the Newport Yacht Club earned a second-place award in the 2019 Newport in Bloom for Small Business category. Thanks and recognition for this achievement go to Carol Nagle who has maintained the Club flower boxes for the past few years. Please thank Carol when you next see her. We can all agree that her volunteerism and expertise definitely makes the overall appearance of our Club more attractive.
The annual Pig Roast on August 31st was a sold-out event at 90 people. The new pig roaster, Pete the Butcher served a very juicy and flavorful pig and Charlene’s side dishes were terrific as always! The line dancing instruction by Mishnock Barn got lots of up and looking like they know how to line dance very quickly!
The next event is the Annual Dinner on Saturday, October 19th. The Paula Clare Band will do an encore performance from Opening Day. Mark your calendars, sign up will be posted a couple of weeks before the event.
Respectfully submitted,
Pam Akgun, Entertainment Chair
Update on Winter slip requests
The Winter slip request list is open for the month of September. As of this date, 9/4, 75% of the available slips have been requested. All requests, as long as they are received before the end of September, will give priority to returning yacht owners from the previous year. If requests exceed supply, assignments will be made by membership seniority to all members who were not slip leasers the previous year.
So, don’t wait until October to decide, it may be too late then.
Steve Damas, Chair
Bob Morin
Roger Hemond
Frank Pearson III
David Stewart
Hard to believe we are only a few weekends away from the end of the season. With the exception of a few weather hiccups, it’s been a great summer. Thank you to all who came out and participated in the racing and a very big thank you to those club members who gave of their time to volunteer on the race committee. Without them – there would be no racing!
RACERS Save the date: October 26th at 3:30 pm – the awards party. Bring your crew and celebrate the season!
Regards -Nancy Parrillo, Chair Regatta Committee
Alan Renfrew
Al McCoy
Tom Pederson
Lee Parks
11-14 October – Mitchell Columbus Day Regatta
Roy Guay – Chair
Ted Singsen
Kristen Wenzel
Betsy McClintock
Pat Clayton
Caryn Cummings
Brian Clayton
George Crocker
The NYC needs a volunteer member expert in Excel Spreadsheets to further develop its financial budget dashboard. The NYC dashboard is being used to track the club’s overall financial performance and committee budgets vs actual in one highly visual, central place. The current dashboard is well underway thanks to the help provided by NYC member Cary Trainor but the finance committee now needs some additional expertise to support the Dashboard’s further development. This additional work includes integration with the output of data from Quickbooks and further refinement of the calculations and visual aids. The work is expected to be only temporary, improving on what has been done, and lasting until the budget dashboard is clear, accurate, ease of visual communications, and easy to execute on a month to month basis. Anyone with Excel strengths is asked to please contact Larry Girouard, Finance Committee Chair, at
Larry Girouard, Chair
If you have something you’d like to share with the Club membership in the Burgee, please send your submission to: for review and consideration.
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