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June 4, 2019


          2019 Tuesday One-Designs Series 1

Series Standing – 5 races scored

Information is provisional and subject to modification
Regatta results saved: Sunday, July 28, 2019 5:21:33 PM EDT

Division: Herreshoff S Class (9 boats) (top)

Pos Sail Boat Skipper 1 3 4 5 Total
1 8 Osprey Whitehouse, Sheldon [10/DNC] 1 4 1 6.00 1
2 7 Firefly Silken, Cory [10/DSQ](1) 3 1 2 6.00 2
3 2 Lady Luck Sollecito, Nicholas [10/DSQ](2) 4 3 3 10.00 3
4 15 Shona Hutchinson, Robert [10/DNC] 5 2 10/DNC 17.00 4
5 6 Vela Teichmann, Christian 1 [10/DNC] 10/DNC 10/DNC 21.00 5
6 5 Surprise Roy, Fred [10/DSQ](3) 2 10/DNC 10/DNC 22.00 6
7 27 Mischief Bopp, Walter 2 [10/DNC] 10/DNC 10/DNC 22.00 7
8T 51 Aquila Davis, Geoff [10/DNS] 10/DNC 10/DNC 10/DNC 30.00T 8T
8T 57 Squaw Davis, Angus [10/DNS] 10/DNC 10/DNC 10/DNC 30.00T 8T


(1) Protest against 5 reported
(2) Sailed through finish line before finishing
(3) Protest against 7 reported
(4) Scoring System is ISAF Low Point 2017-2020
(5) Finishes in [brackets] denote throwouts

Division: J22 (9 boats) (top)

Pos Sail Boat Skipper 1 2 3 4 5 Total
1 5 Team Reaps Reaper, Tony 2 2 [3] 2 2 8.00 1
2 13 Team Maynard Penn, Deborah 3 3 4 [10/OCS] 3 13.00 2
3 12 Thurston & Co Thurston, Johathan 4 5 [7] 1 5 15.00 3
4 14 Ship of Fools Jeffrey, Adam [10/DNC] 1 1 10/DNC 6 18.00 4
5 7 Team Bosun Udell, Jeffrey 1 [10/DNC] 10/DNC 10/OCS 1 22.00 5
6 6 Team Lucky Leach, Anthony 5 [10/DNC] 6 10/OCS 4 25.00 6
7 8 Miles at Sea Ewart, Lynn 6 4 5 [10/DNC] 10/DNC 25.00 7
8 11 Team Phenomm McMahon, Kevin 7 [10/DNC] 10/DNF 3 10/DNC 30.00 8
9 10 Holy Frijoles Boyd, Evan [10/DNS] 10/DNC 2 10/OCS 10/DNC 32.00 9


(1) Scoring System is ISAF Low Point 2017-2020
(2) Finishes in [brackets] denote throwouts

Information is provisional and subject to modification

Principal Race Officer: Nancy Parillo

Version 7.5.5: Regatta scoring by JavaScore, an Open Source project available at http://www.gromurph.org/javascore


          2019 Tuesday One-Designs Series 1

Entry List – by SailId

Information is provisional and subject to modification
Regatta results saved: Saturday, July 13, 2019 9:49:28 PM EDT


Division: Herreshoff S Class (9 boats) (top)

Sail Boat Skipper
2 Lady Luck Nicholas Sollecito
5 Surprise Fred Roy
6 Vela Christian Teichmann
7 Firefly Cory Silken
8 Osprey Sheldon Whitehouse
15 Shona Robert Hutchinson
27 Mischief Walter Bopp
51 Aquila Geoff Davis
57 Squaw Angus Davis

Division: J22 (9 boats) (top)

Sail Boat Skipper
5 Team Reaps Tony Reaper
6 Team Lucky Anthony Leach
7 Team Bosun Jeffrey Udell
8 Miles at Sea Lynn Ewart
10 Holy Frijoles Evan Boyd
11 Team Phenomm Kevin McMahon
12 Thurston & Co Johathan Thurston
13 Team Maynard Deborah Penn
14 Ship of Fools Adam Jeffrey

Information is provisional and subject to modification

Principal Race Officer: Nancy Parillo

Version 7.5.5: Regatta scoring by JavaScore, an Open Source project available at http://www.gromurph.org/javascore