February 1: Junior Sailing registration opens
Happy New Year everyone. I sincerely hope the holiday season was enjoyable for all.
The new year brings new hopes, new goals and new commitments. The Board is committed to ensuring the Club will operate with effectiveness and efficiency in this coming year. Every area of the Club operations will be scrutinized to ensure those areas are performing as effectively as possible. Additionally, the committees will continue to be proactive in their areas of responsibilities and assist the staff so they can perform their duties as expected.
The Board provided input, reviewed and approved the 2025 proposed budget with the guidance of controlling expenditures and streamlining the cost of goods and services. For example, summer staffing will be flexibly adjusted to adapt to peak and off-peak demand as well as to special events.
The budget was approved at the 16 January General Membership Meeting. This meeting was a major first-participation and voting were enabled online! Congrats to all who made that happen.
Expenditures for services purchased by the Club are also being reviewed by the General Manager as to need and competitive pricing.
The Flag is updating how the board and committees maintain records and files to ensure continuity and ease of transition among board members. Currently, information is passed along in hard copy or via work of mouth. Devising some type of central storage is the goal.
January 1st saw the start of one of our signature programs. For the seventy-second consecutive year, the Newport Yacht Frostbite Fleet kicked off its season with 42 sailors from the Club and all around Narragansett Bay. Frostbite sailing is very popular in the northeast and since 1953, Newport Yacht Club has led the way in this unique version of sailboat racing. Well done to the Frostbite Committee for keeping this program thriving.
In February, the Club will be represented by a Woman’s team led by members Bea Grimmitt and Jackie Dietrich in the San Diego Yacht Club Women’s Winter Invitational Regatta. The Board approved the sponsoring of the team’s entry fee and we wish them success in this prestigious and highly competitive event.
On behalf of the Board of Directors, we volunteer in our various capacities to help make Newport Yacht Club a fun, sociable and better place to be for everyone. Member participation and suggestions are always welcomed and encouraged.
Hope to see you at the Club,
FJ Ritt, Commodore
Frostbiting began on 1 January with 32 stalwart competitors and a blustery day. We were able to get in nine races from full hike conditions to nice and gentle. We were able to see and hear the cheers from the Lobster Shack for their walk the plank plunge. Those people are crazy!
We had one capsize and successfully scooped sailor and boat out of the water.
We were not able to sail on Sunday due to high winds. It’s always a tough call but with the anemometer between 8 and 38 it was nice to stay ashore.
We will be out there every Sunday, weather permitting. Come down and watch from the warmth of the bar and enjoy Sunday bar food. Armchair sailors welcome.
Frostbiting is fun!
Bea, Caryn and Mary Ann
The Junior Sailing program continues to gear up for the 2025 season as it is drawing closer to February 1, 2025 registration date. The website is being updated and changes made as needed to be ready to open!
We have had a couple of bites for instructors. We will begin advertising on Indeed to increase applicants.
Some of junior sailing boats are in Bristol for winter storage and repairs as needed. The Optis are shrink wrapped on site for the winter.
We are reaching out to the Aurora to see if the big boat experience can occur on the Aurora as well as member vessels. Dates and more information to come in February.
A gentle reminder for fund raising to support the camp. There is the option of the “Name That Boat” program where a name of your choice is placed on a boat in our fleets, as well as you may support a camper with a scholarship donation. If interested or need additional information, feel free to notify any member of the Junior Sailing committee. Support is important and appreciated. See this note:
“Thanks for reaching out and a Happy New Year to you as well. We are grateful to you for all your help getting our kids sailing! They really had a great time on the water, some experiences they will never forget…I am very appreciative of all your efforts and on behalf of the kids thanks!” Mark McKenna, Newport Public Schools.
Happy New Year!
Aedan Gleeson
Steve Morin
Michael Barszcz (ad hoc)
Albert Sgambato
The holidays are behind us, and it’s time to embrace 2025. For those of you non- snowbirds, we hope you are staying warm and dreaming of warm weather soon!We are discussing numerous ideas for events at the club. Stay tuned for announcements.
Your Entertainment Committee