Burgee Burgee Flag

November 2023



November 20: Special General Membership Meeting/Vice Commodore Election

November 24: Children’s Christmas Party with Santa

November 24: Newport Harbor Parade of Lights


December 2: Adult Christmas Party

December 7: General Membership Meeting/Budget Approval

December 14: Slip Assignment Meeting



Greetings fellow Newport Yacht Club members:

The New Board of Directors met for the first time on October 26. Items we will be working on are updates of committee rules, regulations and goals for 2024. In addition, we are in the final stages of our sprinkler system install and our 2024 Budget planning. The board approval of the proposed budget will take place on November 16th and will be submitted for your review by November 20th. Please plan to attend the General Membership Meeting for final approval of the budget on Thursday December 7 at 7:00 pm on the main deck. 

A family night is being held on the main deck on Friday November 17th at 5:30 pm. Please plan on bringing the family for a fun night. The children’s Christmas party with Santa will be on Friday November 24th at 1pm and we will again be hosting Visitors and Judges for the annual boat parade of lights that evening at 6pm. I have agreed to be one of the judges for the event. On Saturday December 2nd the adult Christmas party will be held.

Great job entertainment committee and our NYC staff!!  Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones from Rosalie and me.

Bob and Rosalie                                        


Ad space is available in the Burgee e-newsletter. The Burgee reaches over 600 members each month with a very high open rate. This is a great opportunity for Club members to advertise their businesses, or for them to provide a new advertising outlet to businesses they care about. Revenue from ads supports the Club’s many activities on behalf of members and the community. Ad placement is $ 240 per year. If you want to place an ad, please email communications@newportyachtclub.org. All you need to provide is a business card.


Frostbite Update

Greetings. We are approaching frostbite season. We will start January 1 and go through April 14, 2024. We do not sail on Easter Sunday which is early this year, March 31.

Registration is now open to all members with a dinghy sailing background that would like to join us on Sunday afternoons. We have a 20/20 rule. We do not go out if it is under 20 degrees or if it’s blowing more than 20 on the club’s anemometer. Registration fee is $150- for members and is collected on the first day of sailing in cash or check.

Please check the NYC Frostbite website for registration form, NOR and SI’s. Thank you.

Frostbiting is Fun!

Bea Grimmitt, Caryn Cummings and Mary Ann Jencks


Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Dock Assignment Meeting

On Thursday, December 14, 2023 at 7:00 PM, the Newport Yacht Club’s Float and Dock Committee will convene the yearly Dock Assignment Meeting for the 2024 summer season.

All members who are presently on the displaced/waiting list are required to attend, or, if your physical attendance is directly impeded by extenuating circumstances, your and required to, and must notify Float and Dock chairperson Andy Vouras by emailing him at andyvou@verizon.net If you cannot attend, you must tell the chair who will be representing you at the meeting and attending in your place. Please, no texting, call-ins or family photos. You or your designated representative MUST BE PRESENT at the meeting.

We ask that you bring a check for deposit if your name is called for a slip.

When slip contracts are returned and we determine what docks are going to be available, we will send out an email notifying everyone of slip status.

Andy Vouras Chair, Float and Dock Committee


Thanks to Rudy, plans are in place to have “Volunteer” inspected, winterized and stored on land until Spring, and thanks to the extended family (Roy and Al) we’re getting corrections made to Sail Newport’s charts in time for their March publication.

Other changes planned include hard-stopping registrations one day before the second race for each series.  This will eliminate multiple changes to the scratch sheets and scoring throughout each series and will let us consider using a third-party scoring system.

We’re also planning to open up Tuesday nights to J22 non-spinnakers to get more participation.
The team is looking forward to a very active and fun racing season.

Alan Renfrew Chair, on behalf of the Regatta Committee




A good time was had by all at the Commodore’s dinner, welcoming new board members and celebrating the collegial spirit of our Club!