November 20 — Wine Dinner
November 26 — Children’s Christmas Party with Santa 1300 hours
November 26 — Boat Parade of Lights 1800 hours and non-perishable Food Donation
December 2 — General Membership Meeting 1900 hours
December 4 — Adult Christmas Party
December 14 — Slip Assignment Meeting 1900 hours
Greetings Fellow Yacht Club Members,
Looking back a year ago, I am pleased to welcome this holiday season and our return to some sense of normalcy.
The Board of Directors, in conjunction with the Finance Committee, will submit our proposed 2022 Budget for your review by November 20th. Please plan to attend the December General Membership Meeting for final approval Thursday, December 2nd at 7:00. Main Deck.
We have some great events planned by the Entertainment Committee and House. The Wine Dinner on Nov. 20th, the Children’s Christmas Party with Santa at 1:00 on the 26th and the Parade of Lights that evening. There will be a donation box for non-perishable food items that evening on the Main Deck. The Adult Christmas Party on December 4th promises an exceptional evening of dining and dancing. Great job Entertainment and NYC Staff!
Have a safe and Happy Thanksgiving.
Betsy Green
Commodore, NYC
Newport Yacht Club
The Newport Yacht Club has a longstanding tradition of service to our local community. This includes many youth programs, educational events, environmental stewardship and support for local social impact organizations such as the Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Center. Our Club representative F.J. Ritt recently presented MLK Director of Development Alyson Novick with a $500 contribution from NYC.
Besides the leaves changing, fall Dock Day and the sight of shrink wrap and canvas heralds the coming of the winter season. On November 6, a hard-working group of Dock Day volunteers made short work of hauling in floating docks, making repairs and other work on behalf of the Club. You might not be boating as much, but there is still lots to enjoy at the Newport Yacht Club. The lounge is a great way to stay connected, and the Entertainment Committee has many special events planned. Make our Club a part of your off season.
NYC Entertainment Committee would like to thank you all for participating in the November Cheers’ Raffle. The winner is Lori Crimmins. The December basket raffle is now underway, ask at the bar to buy tickets. Winner will be announced at the holiday party on 4 December.
A big thank you to the members who have helped our Committee and who are participating in events. We hope you enjoy the new events planned for the near future. Check the website, email blasts, and Club bulletin boards for postings.
Here’s what’s going on with more details to come:
11/26 Santa arrives by boat at NYC for Children’s Party 1300-1430.
11/26 Boat Parade at 1800
12/4 Adult Christmas Party – SOLD OUT-
1/22/22 DJ Night and Chili Contest -$10 per person. Looking for Contestants! Please email if you are interested.
2/27/22 Mardi Gras Jazz Sunday – Jazz band, Jambalaya, Hurricanes & More
Thank you all and Happy Thanksgiving!
The Entertainment Committee
Linda Lupo, Yvonne Ferreira, Chip Swanson
On 6 November we conducted a Skipper’s Forum/Party with about 25 participants. Rick Rohrer provided the results of a sleep survey conducted with the skippers from this year’s race. There was lots of discussion since sleep is an important issue with shorthanded sailing. We expect to have guidance on sleeping during shorthanded sailing out soon. Afterwards Charlene provided food for the gab session.
Roy Guay Chair
Dock Day was very productive. Our volunteers got more done than planned in 1 hour and 20 minutes! Thanks to all of you. The next item on our agenda is the December Slip Assignment Meeting, that is scheduled for December 14th at 7:00. At this point in time, we are aware of two slips that will be available for assignment and have received two requests to move.
The two slips available at are E8 and SW1. E8 will be filled by a displaced person on the wait list, unless someone requests a move to take it. SW1 is restricted to a max 24’ power boat. If we do not get more slips to reassign and don’t get more move requests, we may do the meeting via phone again.
Of course, we may have the meeting in person anyway just to enjoy the Club and our camaraderie that night. More to info to come on this.
Float and Dock Committee,
Steve Damas Chair, Bob Morin, Roger Hemond, Frank Pearson III, David Stewart, Peter Herne, Andy Vouras, Stefan Nassaney, Mike Keyworth
Special thanks to Bob Morin for this amazing photo taken from the Upper Deck. As if our Club was not beautiful enough!